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At the heart of the problem is a simple issue: the need to change focus back and forth between program 1, such as a word processor or editor that you may be using to enter text, and program 2, the media player that you may be using using to play the audio or video. Transcribing, as I found out, involves a lot of stopping, backing up, typing, and then repeating over and over and over again.

This problem can be solved such that switching back and forth is done via hotkeys without taking your fingers off the keyboard, providing a streamlined, efficient experience. We promise an easy way to stop, back-up, and type, all via keyboard shortcuts. These may seem like very simple interventions, but having used this process myself, I guarantee that your transcribing experience will pleasantly transformed, and made much much more efficient. We will discuss TWO ways to do this (using free software): Method #1: Using (Windows) This program will play your media file, provide a text editing area below it, and employ keyboard shortcuts to play, pause, jump forwards or backwards for a (user defined) number of seconds. The default keyboard shortcuts are: F5 (pause/play), F6 (back), and F7 (forward). The version I tested does not offer any option to change these to other keys, but they do work well enough. English To French Translation Software Free Download For Mobile on this page. What you can change is the number of seconds that it automatically backs up when you pause and then press play, and the number of seconds it jumps when you click back or forward. One interesting feature is ‘Smart Pause N Play’, which you can activate from the options menu.